Ornamental House Plants Beginning With P


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Looking for a plant that doesn't require much care, water, and will come back year after. Year? Let me show you one. You watched us design and build this house in 150 days, but the work is far from over. We're about to jump into my favorite part of the process of bringing all this together. Join me for an exclusive look right here on eHow Home.

We're trying to get the landscape planted, and I want to do it as economically as possible. I wanna make sure that we're choosing things that are gonna be easy to care for and play into our whole Green idea here. One of the best things to use, of course, is a native grass, or a native plant even, from your area. Now this is switchgrass, which I just love.

It's got an amazing sort of texture to it. And it has these inflorescences in the fall, which I think are just so gorgeous. You don't need to worry about these little seeds because they're sterile. This grass actually clumps from the base. This one is called Dust Devil, and I love its sort of gray-green leaf. These

are nice big pots of it. And what we're going to do is we're gonna group these together. I like to see grasses planted in a mass like this. If you look at the top of the pot, you

can see how this grass clumps, how firm and,rigged it is. What I like about that is that this grass will actually stay upright through the winter.

It's so beautiful with frost on it and even snow. Now, as I mentioned, this particular cultivar of panicum, or switchgrass,

is called Dust Devil. But take a look at this one. This one is called Cheyenne Skies. Again,another switchgrass, a panicum, but what's different about it -- it's slightly lower, it's a little looser, and look at these red tips, a beautiful sort of burgundy tip on the edge of each blade of the grass. I think

it's very ornamental. What's wonderful about these grasses is that they add such texture and movement to the landscape. And they're drought tolerant. During these times when we never know when we're gonna get a rain,and they're are water rationings going on all over the country, you need to think smart

and choose plants that don't require a lot of these natural resources. So ornamental grasses, well, they're a perfect choice, and they're so many of them to choose from. No

where you live there's an ornamental that will work for you. Hey, if you're finding these tips helpful, check in with us regularly.

This landscape will be coming together over time, and I want you to check back with me.And make sure you subscribe to eHow Home.

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